November 29, 2011

Enjoy The Red Carpet Treatment

Wives, how many of us have had this experience. You know. Husband does/did something he had no business doing, or he didn't do what he was suppose to do. Knowing that he was wrong on all accounts, he now is begging forgiveness even if you put him in the doghouse (silent treatment, no hot meal or sex etc..). Something minuscule to extreme (ex: buying the wrong item, not answering his phone, lying, flirting, and/or cheating puts a lack of trust in that area of your marriage. If your husband has a conscience he will do everything in his power to win you No husband want his wife pouting, slamming doors, venting to her family, and having a plain ole nasty attitude. He will (should) rectify this situation by what I call the "Red Carpet Treatment."

This RCT a bittersweet act when wives receive this attention. This is when he is extra nice, sweet, touchy, sensitive to your needs and the list goes on. It could be his way of saying, "I'm sorry for what I done/didn't do." This is our time to receive his display of apology but at the same time he needs to know that it was not ok of his actions or lack of. This is where communication is extremely important. Not only does he needs to understand but know what you meant/feel concerning the issue. Afterwards, he needs to know what would have been a better way of doing it. Also wives, listen if your husband has/feel a better way of you doing it. Even if you don't agree, just listen. Often times we wives assume the husband understands but really he may not and think he does. Let this not happen.

Red Carpet, VIP! Some wives may get jewelry, a fancy electronic, car, lol etc.. but for the average everyday hard working hubby it's more practical. Manicures, pedicures, money, massage at your favorite spa, hair appointment, wax appointment (ouch!), favorite restaurant/outing, shopping at your favorite store, doing house chores, new pair of shoes, and the list goes on. It's good to feel and be treated with love, attention, and pamperd. Especially when they are truthfully sorry and showing you affection as the day is long. Once the two of you have closure on the incident, let the past be the past. Remember, enjoy it! You deserve it.

Lady A Speaks!


Mike said...

..and please let the past be the past. (you know it won't be long before we err again ;-) )

Hey Lady A!

Lady A said...

HEY MIKE!! How are you?! Happy New Year to you and yours! Yes, so right, let the past be the past. Regardless if something else pops off. However my personal issue is that I may not get closure on the situation, therefore I may bring up the past...
Thanks for being such a faithful reader!

Anonymous said...

About leave the psast alone but what to do when he comes bsck after a hooka day threatening every ones death hhating all backside to u loving them to their face punching bag wife newly wed....