October 15, 2009

Take Care of the Smell After Sex

After your husband ejaculates inside of you, over time your vagina may have a not so pleasant scent. It is important to care for yourself properly after sex just as you do before the sex. This maybe elementary information, however it's still needful and can be overlooked due to distractions of being a wife.

One way to care for yourself is the basic soap and water. Now this is good, but it only gets the outer part of the vagina. The real odor comes from within. I know studies now say that douching is not the best solution because it drys the vagina out. However douching once or twice a month should be alright. If your vagina is dry, then you could purchase, a lubricant that is designed to be inserted in the vagina. It's like a light oil. FDS carries the product which can be purchased at Wal-mart or any drug store.

Another way to clean yourself properly is with a feminine wash. This would be an excellent choice because this wash is a gentle, soap free cleanser designed to gently wash away odor causing bacteria from the external vaginal.

Now the best approach in my opinion is to soak in the bath tub. Add vinegar to your bath water. Vinegar is an excellent odor replant. When bathing, those extra body fluids will come out. This way, water does seep into the vagina giving it a light cleanse.

It's best to keep feminine wipes in your purse for quick sex moments with your husband when you are out and about. Hey, it happens. Best to be prepared, right? Also, when done cleaning yourself from the use of the bathroom. It's best to use a scented panie liner to catch any discharge from sex. This discharge could have a smelly odor so it 's best to be protected and use a feminine spray if needed. You don't want to walk around with the 'wet' feeling. Not pleasant at all!

Why do I mention all of this? Why not? Besides, may not be you, but have you ever been in your car sitting and you smell yourself? It's not a fishy scent, but it's a light foul odor, so you find yourself keeping your legs tightly closed or especially if you are in public? Or maybe you went to the bathroom, pulled down your panies and boom! The foul sex scent hits you in your face (even after you cleaned properly, it's still the discharge of your husband's sperm and your discharge). Matter of fact, when you are done, you are hoping that no one goes in that bathroom stall that you were in. Doesn't have to be a public bathroom, it could be your own bathroom at home and your husband uses it right after you. Save yourself the embarrassment! Again, maybe not you, but you know that female friend you have and her vagina has an odor and you don't know how to tell her. Don't let it be you because it can happen.

So it's best to stay on top of your 'A' game. Do this by keeping feminine wipes and maybe a feminine spray in your purse so you can freshen up anytime and feel confident sitting, standing, dancing and even using the public bathroom.

Yours truly,


Fran said...

Nice post. Thanks for sharing.

Using a ph balanced feminine wash is good, but I've found that water is best.

The vagina is self cleansing and whilst soap and feminine wash are good for the outside, washing oneself with plain water using the fingers is actually best. Water is also the best way to rinse off any 'left-over' sperm after intercourse...

Lady A said...

Thanks for that hon! I was going to comment on 'just water' but then I changed my mind due to the lengthy post. I too just use water. That's what my gyno suggested since soap is too harsh for me.

Femme Lounge said...

thanks for sharing this. water and mild soap can be helpful too.

Lady A said...

@Femme, yes, mos def! How could I leave out the most basic tip?! It will be for the next post on hygiene, lol. Thanks for reading!

Kike said...

Thank you so much for this. I had noticed the unpleasant smell but I didn't know what to do about it. I'm glad I came across this today. How come nobody ever told me before?

Lady A said...

@Kike, If you read my introduction, the main reason why I'm doing this blog is because no one told me ANYTHING about marriage and being a wife! I had to learn on my own. Correction, my mom did tell me 1 or 2 points about being a wife. I forgot to add 'just use water' which is the best. NO SOAP! Or use plain vinegar and water in your bath water. I put the vinegar on my washcloth then wash. Thanks so much for your love!

Anonymous said...

First things first I am a man.
I love my partner and agree with all you wrote. I feel there is just one thing I could add. Many women have a phobia about their smell / scent call it what you like. Now I am not saying you must smell fishy all day but truthfully many men who love their wives / girlfriends like crazy, really crazy crazy love also love that unique scent of her pussy. I do. It turns me on every time I get a wif of it and she knows.I love her body & soul so much I could eat her. We are so close we can almost read each others minds. Maybe this chemical bond has helped our closeness endure time. If a man loves a women he will love her scent.

Anonymous said...

It's sweet, but it directly contradicts what doctors write. Furthermore, if a bv is involved, the very last thing a woman should do is douch or spray anything but water. If a woman smells after sex, it is most likely a reaction between sperm and her own body fluids.

Anonymous said...

I really needed this post today. My husband and I are newly weds.. So a lot of our time is spent in the bedroom. He doesn't mind the smell after sex and says he actually loves it. However it leaves me feeling embarrassed and unconfident. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Anonymous said...

To the male that commented... Your word choices, especially on a females blog are a little inapproptiate. You didnt need to go into that much detail about your personal sex life. Its almost crude. I dont think men need to be commenting like that on an issue specic to women.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog

Anonymous said...

Im 29 yrs old, and my husband was my first. No one has ever told me ANYTHING about this stuff, and although my husband doesnt complain... It drives me nuts!! I use water, but he is so potent it doesnt help! (maybe from the visectomy?) I finally got so desperate that i asked my kid sister what she does (thought it was maybe something wrong with me). She suggested 1/4 cup vinegar to 1 cup warm water, using something to "flush" with. I dont have a flushing device yet, but tried with my hand. The way it reacted to the fluid was amazing!! Usually it kinda runs for days, this kinda dried out the fluid.. Im sooo glad i did it!!

Anonymous said...

Woww.! This was helpful! I use summers eve, feminine spray, and panty liners to keep fresh allday! Works for me.

Anonymous said...

The vagina it's self cleaning and needs too maintain a ph level between 3.5-4.5 which vinegar being also acidic can lead to an imbalance resulting in odor and inflammation. I don't know when the world made us believe we need vaginal deodorant but we don't. There is needed bacteria that keeps it clean, but we can help by eating right such as yogurt, fruits. To clean your labia you just Need water and a mild scentless soap if needed.
The reason I'm here is the semen after intercourse. I try to push as much out, which my kinky Hubble likes to watch, but I still feel it leaking out afterwards. I don't notice an odor and I think semen is odorless so if your vagina has an odor after sex, I think there was an imbalance to begin with. I am sticking with what my gyno told me, no scents, no sprays, no worries. I will ask him about the leakage, but I think that is just a part of it. Oh I do know you should pee after intercourse, it helps and to take a shower. If your hubby gets smelly down in his area, make him shower first cause he goes inside and what's on him gets in you, so that can throw off the balance too.

Don't be tricked ladies! We don't need deodorants. That stuff makes your vagina inbalanced thus making it smell making you justify using it because now smells so you cover it up, add to the problem, then you douche eliminating the healthy bacteria that could have saved you which means more odor and then you are in that cycle of covering up the up the odor you are causing!
We are faced with being told what is beautiful, how to look and now they are telling us what our vaginas should be. It's a scam our bodies are beautiful and take care of themselves.

My husband has also told me he likes how I smell and taste and thinks there is nothing I can do about leaking but he doesn't understand how sticky I get when it happens and how I can't take care of it immediately all the time. I'll figure it out

jennifer said...

My husband and I have been together for a lifetime it seems and while he understands, it's still not comfortable to me. Women can sometimes eat certain things and the smells comes out through vaginal secretions. He can tell me when I eat fish or onions. Lol. I agree douching can be done in moderation but it introduces bacteria that normally wouldn't go there. Just be careful as to how much you do it. We have been trying to have another child for 5 years now and recently found his sperm count is little to nothing. This makes me not want to lose any of it. To me, the best thing is to wait about an hour after sex or the next morning and lay back with vinegar in the bath. Just pull those legs back to rest then on each side of the tub and relax. The sperm that are going to get to the egg will. This takes care of that smell and add a little feminine spray. You'll be good to go.

Anonymous said...

Nice one...noted

Anonymous said...

My husband and I use Wild Wipes and we love them. They are lint free, very soft, and smell really good! Their website is