Hello my Golden Wives!
Hope all is well..Hoping everyone is keeping warm and safe as you are running the households. After all, you are the CEO of your home.
Remember to take time for yourself. Whether if it's 5, 10, 15 minutes, please do so for yourself.
Here are a few ideas of what you can for yourself as you take a quick mini break from the hustle and bustle of it all.
Ideas & Quick Tips Breaks:
When you can't run from the little ones, this convenient little room will allow you to have a quick "peace and quiet" moment. It's also great for sneaking food from when you don't want anyone to see and want what you are eating. However there are two cons. Your legs will get numb from sitting on the toilet after a long period of time and the little people will find you within 5-10 minutes. Lol!
~The CAR!
The best office on wheels ever!!!! Yes, wives, wives to be, wives in the making, you sit back, turn your music on and check all necessary important social media sites and emails, lol. This is also the best time to order something online special for yourself or the husband. If you have children with you, hopefully they will be sleeping. Then this would be the perfect time. Another great pointer is to just sit in front of your home if possible or go to a nearby park to have this QT.
~The STORES! YAY!!! FurnitureStores/Target/Mall/Michael's Art's and Craft/Pier I/TJMaxx
Just to name a few. It is so relaxing for me to go to the store BY MYSELF and just walk up and down the aisles until my heart is content. This entire time I am eye candy shopping but it's very enjoyable to keep a wish list in your head of what you may want. It also is a good mental break from all that may be going on. I love getting ideas of how I want my house to look. I get excited and in my zone when I'm just browsing. Taking snap shots of these items are great as well.
I hope you all got an idea of breaks for yourself. Try not to let the noises of life drown out your needs as well. Don't feel guilty either! It's ok to want and get a well deserved break as often as you can. Just don't hop a flight to Hawaii without letting your husband know. Also keep me posted if you do so I can get my ticket!!!!
Lady A
My laptop is broken so I won't be posting visual arts, music, etc.. as of yet. So please bare with me!
January 28, 2015
Posted by Lady A at 9:58 AM 0 comments
January 06, 2015
New Year indeed! To everyone I wish and pray for the best ever in health, marriage, wealth, relationships and every endeavors.
I have so many comments I need to respond too, so please know that you are not forgotten and I will reply very soon.
I also have great surprise for you all but I will post about it later this month, so please stay tuned.
I pray that all is well and keep the faith in everything you do!
Again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Lady A
Posted by Lady A at 9:03 AM 2 comments
July 11, 2014
I WILL Respond!
This Sunday, July 13th, I will finally respond to the questions and concerns. Thank ladies & men for being ever so patience with me. I miss you all much and remember to keep whatever is heavy on your heart before the Lord for He does hear your cry!
Posted by Lady A at 7:43 AM 3 comments
November 30, 2013
I'm HERE!!! It has been one heck of a ride. Never in my 15yrs of marriage would I thought that I would be divorced. I will share my story so please sit tight. I did not forget about you all. I miss you all dearly and pray all is well. I will give you all a quick synopsis. My hubby was a high school math teacher. He got caught messing around w/a student *_* so yeah, plus health issues. I cant wait to share w/you all and I will continue to blog for the wives and wives to be. We all can help and glean from each other. This blog is not for the weak at heart. I will be discussing hard core, unthinkable topics. Good and bad. My main goal is for us wives (yes I still consider myself as a wife) to be the BEST well groomed in all areas w/such class.
Muah! Thanks for your patience! I'm at Johns Hopkins right now. My platelets dropped again but I will be fine.
Miss you all greatly and I will answer your comments shortly!
Lady A
Posted by Lady A at 7:45 PM 4 comments
February 16, 2012
Let's face it, we all need it. Married, single, parent, child, and all other humans with different titles. Closure is the key to moving on. It gives a peace of mind, makes you settle, and it even may help one to gain trust again to start over.
Posted by Lady A at 2:31 PM 6 comments
November 29, 2011
Enjoy The Red Carpet Treatment

Lady A Speaks!
Posted by Lady A at 11:59 AM 3 comments
November 17, 2011
Have Great Morning Sex
"Having sex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long," says Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., author of Because It Feels Good. It makes you stronger and more beautiful too: Morning sex can strengthen your immune system for the day by enhancing your levels of IgA, an antibody that protects against infection. And climaxing releases chemicals that boost levels of estrogen, which improves the tone and texture of your skin and hair. Want to max out the morning love? Follow these tips:
Give Him a Sexy Wake-Up Call
Set your alarm to play soft music, and as soon as you're roused, quietly slip out of your pj's. Then try this trick: If he's lying on his back, place your hands on his thighs with your thumbs pointing toward his genitals, suggests acupuncturist Alexis Arvidson. Move your thumbs in a slow, firm circular motion, two inches in diameter. According to the ancient teachings of acupuncture, rubbing this thin-skinned area will get the blood flowing straight to hisPosted by Lady A at 2:55 PM 5 comments
November 01, 2011
Having Too Many People in Your Hair
Posted by Lady A at 4:27 PM 3 comments
October 20, 2011
Enjoy His Company
Posted by Lady A at 7:55 AM 6 comments
April 18, 2011
I received all of the wonderful comments and I will hold true to my word to blog more and often.
Posted by Lady A at 7:15 AM 9 comments
January 04, 2011
"If you really love someone, you shouldn't have to work at it."
That's what High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens told CosmoGIRL! for its August 2008 issue. This young celebrity was speaking out loud what millions of people privately think: Loving feelings should come naturally in a relationship, so if you have to work at it, something's wrong. But the truth is exactly the opposite: If you truly love someone, you will work hard for the relationship.
Rock or Sand
Jesus spoke of a house that was built on sand and shaken by storms, while another house was built on rock and remained unmoved. One of my greatest surprises as a relationship analyst is just how many of us build our marriages on the sand of feelings instead of the rock of commitment. But I've been encouraged to see that truly committed couples are able, with God's help, to thrive even through the inevitable storms.
Over a five-year period, a close friend sent me e-mails sharing about her struggles with her marriage. She went from daily messages that read, "I can't take this anymore!" to e-mails saying, "He is such a gift to me." What accounted for the change? Her determination.
As she now says, "A successful marriage has little to do with circumstances and a lot to do with determination — taking the word divorce out of your vocabulary and replacing it with commitment."
What is Commitment?
Commitment is a decision to have the abundant marriage God desires, regardless of circumstances or whether you think your spouse is doing his or her part. This includes:
- Realizing that marriage is an unbreakable covenant before God. At weddings, Atlanta minister Barry Grecu explains that ancient Hebrew culture understood a covenant not as a contract, which could be broken, but as a binding, permanent agreement — just like the covenant God makes with us.
- Choosing to "do it until you feel it." We often let our feelings guide our actions, but we are actually built for the opposite. Our Creator has designed us so that when we love another person with our actions, our feelings inevitably follow.
- Focusing on the good in our spouse and the sin in ourselves — instead of the other way around. If you're dissatisfied with your marriage, try this challenge: For the next 30 days, don't say anything negative about your spouse — neither to him or her nor to someone else. Every day, find something you appreciate about your spouse, and verbalize it. This marital application of Philippians 4:8 (which instructs us to focus on whatever is praiseworthy) has the power to transform a marriage. When we examine and work to change ourselves, we often bring out the best in our spouse as well.
- Engaging in Christian community, prayer and discipleship — especially when you don't want to. These three aspects of the Christian life help sustain every believer, but they are particularly essential for those going through a difficult season.
- Relying on God to help you act selflessly toward your spouse. As Grecu puts it, "We are incapable of living out our covenant promises in our own human strength. Jesus says, 'Apart from Me you can do nothing' and calls us to engage with the Spirit of God being lived out through us."
Posted by Lady A at 11:38 PM 8 comments
December 18, 2010
Golden Blissfulness
Wives, enjoy this holiday with your family. Do something special for your husband during this season. Surprise him with his favorites. Whether if it's home baked cookies, sexy simple lingerie, renting his favorite movie or video game.
Posted by Lady A at 7:33 PM 6 comments
May 12, 2010
Posted by Lady A at 10:12 AM 6 comments
April 14, 2010
March 23, 2010
Have Great Morning Sex
For most of the working world, the blaring of the alarm clock isn't a happy sound. So why not turn that rude awakening into an erotic opportunity with a roll in the 400-thread-count hay?
"Having sex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving
and bonded all day long," says Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., author of Because It Feels Good. It makes you stronger and more beautiful too: Morning sex can strengthen your immune system for the day by enhancing your levels of IgA, an antibody that protects against infection. And climaxing releases chemicals that boost levels of estrogen, which improves the tone and texture of your skin and hair. Want to max out the morning love? Follow these tips:
Give him a sexy wake up call
Set your alarm to play soft music, and as soon as you're roused, quietly slip out of your pj's. Then try this trick: If he's lying on his back, place your hands on his thighs with your thumbs pointing toward his genitals, suggests acupuncturist Alexis Arvidson. Move your thumbs in a slow, firm circular motion, two inches in diameter. According to the ancient teachings of acupuncture, rubbing this thin-skinned area will get the blood flowing straight to his nether regions. Well, isn't that convenient, since that's where you're headed next!
Get Fresh!
Sneaking off to the bathroom to brush your teeth can do more than ward off dragon breath. "Not only will your kisses be minty, but the menthol in your toothpas
te can give your guy a tingly thrill during oral sex," Herbenick says. Focus on the head of his penis and his scrotal skin, two nerve-rich areas. Just note: It takes a few minutes for the effects of menthol to work, so be patient—he may not feel
it at first.
Enjoy The View
Part of what makes morning sex so deliciously primal is that, in the light of day, it's difficult to hide your so-
called flaws. So let your insecurities take a backseat to pure, unadulterated pleasure, and instead of covering up under the blankets, throw them off
so you can both get a visual thrill. He'll bask in the eye candy, and you will too: Studies conducted by Emory University found that women are just as visually aroused as men during sex.
Take Advantage of Nature
Your guy's body is hardwired to want sex first thing in the a.m. (hello, morning wood!). "While he sleeps, the testosterone he'll use for the upcoming day accumulates," says Gabrielle Lichterman, author of 28 Days. "Fro
m the time he wakes up, he has a three-hour window when he's brimming with peak levels." Don't let them go to waste: Hop aboard his primed body for some girl-on-top action.
Boost Your Animal Lust
As soon as you're awake,
snuggle up to your guy and take a whiff. Because he hasn't showered yet, you'll feel extra turned on by his au naturel scent. According to scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, a man's musky underarm odor is a proven libido booster. Really, you can't make this stuff up!
Try A Cozy Move
Since you'll both be groggy, try a position that requires little to no effort: spooning. "While you're facing away from your guy, part your legs and guide him inside you," says New York City-based sex and marital
therapist Jane Greer, Ph.D. "His hands will be free to roam all of your hot spots, and he can whisper in your ear."
Install A Double Head Shower

Taking a shower togethe
r sounds romantic and all, but let's get real: There's room under the water for only one person at a time. Fix that by getting a double showerhead (available at any home-goods store). Then crank up the water temp; heat brings blood to the skin's surface, making it more receptive to touch. And soap each other up with peppermint shower gel; the scent wakes you up as it triggers the same nerves that are activated by smelling salts, says research from Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia.
Have A Quickie
Sunrise sex doesn't have to be a drawn-out affair. In fact, "mornings are the perfect time to indulge in a quickie, because you'll probably be in a rush, and the heart-pounding adrenaline of spontaneous sex will intensify the entire experience," Greer says.
Pounce on him when he least expects it (say, while he's stepping out of the shower, getting dressed, or making breakfast). And you can ditch foreplay this time—studies published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that if women ignore outside distractions (for example, the television, their laptops), they can start to become aroused in 30 seconds flat. Keep in mind: Quickies don't necessarily have to include intercourse. A hot-and-heavy makeout session, copping a fast feel, or letting him catch you checking out his butt before you dash out the door for work will go a long way toward igniting your passion.
Author: Elise Nersesian
Posted by Lady A at 2:24 PM 14 comments
March 18, 2010
Ways You Can Love Your Husband HIS Way

Discuss this list with your husband. Ask him to check the ones most meaningful to him and then arrange them in order of importance to him. Use this list as
a basis for learning his views. Your relationship can be greatly strengthened as you use these suggestions. -unknown author
For the most part, you probably don't have to "go over the list" with your hubby. You know what your husband likes and dislikes like are hopefully, but if uncertain, please by all means ask! Communication extremely important in marriage. These 20 ways are ALL important. Try and keep them as a reminder. Wives, this is just a reminder/refresher, especially for the ones who have been married for several years. Let's not lose heart or focus. ~Lady A~
1. Respectfully communicate with him.
2. Let him know he’s important to you.
3. Purposefully try to understand his feelings—even when you disagree with him.

4. Show interest in his friends giving him some time with them if they’re trust-worthy.
5. Let go of the small stuff. We all have annoying habits and preferences that are different from our spouse’s. (Dave Ramsey)
6. Tell him you both love him AND like him.
7. Either show interest in his hobbies or allow him space to participate freely. (Dave Ramsey)
8. Protect his dignity on a daily basis.
9. Be tender with him realizing he has feelings also.
10. Foster an atmosphere of laughter in your home. Look for ways to laugh together.
11. Try not to make sudden major changes without discussion and giving him time to adjust.
12. When you go out on a date together don’t bring up problems—have fun instead.
13. Focus on what he’s doing right, instead of focusing so often on the negatives.
14. Show interest in what he feels is important in life.
15. Give him special time with you apart from the children.
16. Recognize that the first few minutes after a spouse comes home often sets the stage for how the rest of the evening will go. So try to make the first few minutes a positive experience. (And then ease into the negative if it’s necessary.)
17. Give him half an hour to unwind after he gets home from work. Your evenings will be much more enjoyable. (Dave Ramsey)
18. Don’t allow any family member to treat him disrespectfully. Be the one to defend him to any family member that dishonors his place as your husband.
19. Compliment him often.
20. Be creative when you express your love, both in words and in actions.
Unknown author
Read more: http://mylivesignature.com/wizard2_2.php#ixzz0iXaZ6nMM
Posted by Lady A at 7:47 AM 9 comments
March 15, 2010
As wives we often put everyone first. Husbands needs, children, family, and the list is endless. We are still early in the year of 2010, let us keep focus on self and set a goal to have consistent inspirational attitude toward ourselves. What inspire you at one time? Don't lose it. Keep the zeal going in your heart because it will show on the outer. No strength or just plain tired? Not only prayer, but making a journal of all your hopes, dreams and desires will help stir up the passion again.
Golden Wives, never give up on yourself. You have too many gifting and talents inside of you to just let it die or remain dormant. Remember, timing is everything, so prepare yourself. How? Glad you asked. Keep the vision before you by simply having a list or even make mini projects. Continue to help others and you never know how the favor maybe returned back to you.Keep yourself looking nice and you must make time for you. No excuses!
Let this year for us wives be peaceful, full of hope, and wonderful blessings that we didn't expect flowing our way. It will happen for you, just BELIEVE!
I"m Back!

Read more: http://mylivesignature.com/wizard2_2.php#ixzz0iHMRgP0R
Posted by Lady A at 12:29 PM 10 comments
February 09, 2010
Thank You Everyone For the Love!!
Posted by Lady A at 8:29 AM 10 comments
January 06, 2010
Happy New Year Everyone!/I'm sick but will be back!
I know I said I will be back posting in Jan.2010, but who knew I would be sick with the H1N1! Yup, thought it wouldn't happen to me but it did. Worst thing ever. So I just wanted to let you all know I'll be back when I'm over it. Had it since Dec.24 and got worst. I haven't moderated any comments yet, but I will soon. So if you sent a comment, it will be posted. Give me time please.
Posted by Lady A at 11:49 AM 8 comments
December 14, 2009
See You Jan. 2010!
Hello lovely peoples! I would like to thank each and every one of you who are followers, silent followers, stalkers, readers, viewers and supporters of this blog. However, due to the holiday season and all that is going on, I will not be posting on this blog until Jan. 2010.
Posted by Lady A at 10:44 AM 3 comments
December 07, 2009
10 Eating Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season
1. Focus on weight maintenance vs. weight loss during the holidays. If you are currently overweight and want to lose weight, this is not the time to do it. Maintenance of your present weight is a big enough challenge during the holiday season. Don’t set yourself up for failure by making unrealistic goals for yourself.
2. Plan on NOT dieting after the New Year. Anticipation of food restriction sets you up for binge-type eating over the holidays (“after all, if I’m never going let myself eat this again after Jan. 1st, I might as well eat as much as possible now!”) Besides, restrictive diets don’t work in the long run. They increase your loss of lean body mass vs. fat, slow down your metabolism, increase anxiety, depression, food preoccupation, and binge eating, and make weight re-gain more likely.
3. Be physically active every day. Often, students’ busy holiday schedules (or lack of structured schedules) bump them off their exercise routines. Physical activity, especially aerobic activities (like brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, roller blading, and swimming) can help relieve stress, regulate appetite, and burn up extra calories from holiday eating.
4. Eat a light snack before going to holiday parties. It is not a good idea to arrive at a party famished. Not only are you more likely to overeat, but you are also less likely to resist the temptation of eating the higher fat and higher calorie foods. Try eating a piece of fruit, a small carton of yogurt, or a string cheese before you go.
5. Make a plan. Think about where you will be, who you will be with, what foods will be available, what foods are really special to you (that you really want to eat) vs. those that you could probably do without, what are your personal triggers to overeat and how can you minimize them. Once you've thought about all of these things, make a plan of action. It's much easier to deal with a difficult social eating situation if you've already planned for it.
6. Take steps to avoid recreational eating. While some foods are more calorie-dense than others, no food will make you gain weight unless you eat too much of it. At parties and holiday dinners, we tend to eat (or keep eating) beyond our body’s physical hunger simply because food is there and eating is a “social thing.” To avoid recreational eating, consciously make one plate of the foods you really want. Eat it slowly--enjoying and savoring every tasty bite. Then, when you’re done, pop a mint or stick of gum in your mouth, get a tall glass of water and sip on it throughout the night, or position yourself away from the buffet table or food trays to keep yourself from overeating.
7. Reduce the fat in holiday recipes. There are plenty of low fat and low calorie substitutes that are amazingly tasty. Try using applesauce in place of oil in your favorite holiday breads; use egg substitutes in place of whole eggs; try plain nonfat yogurt in place of sour cream. Magazines are full of reduced calorie and reduced fat holiday recipes. Give them a try, and share your cooking creations with friends and family.
8. Choose your beverages wisely. Alcohol is high in calories. Liquors, sweet wines and sweet mixed drinks contain 150-450 calories per glass. By contrast, water and diet sodas are calorie-free. If you choose to drink, select light wines and beers, and use non-alcoholic mixers such as water and diet soda. Limit your intake to 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks per occasion. And, watch out for calories in soda, fruit punch, and egg nog as well.
9. Enjoy good friends and family. Although food can be a big part of the season, it doesn’t have to be the focus. Holidays are a time to reunite with good friends and family, to share laughter and cheer, to celebrate and to give thanks. Focus more on these other holiday pleasures, in addition to the tastes of holiday foods. The important thing to remember is balance and moderation. It’s OK to eat too much once in a while. Just relax, enjoy the holidays, and remember what the season is all about.
10. Maintain perspective: Overeating one day won't make or break your eating plan. And it certainly won't make you gain weight! It takes days and days of overeating to gain weight. If you over-indulge at a holiday meal, put it behind you. Return to your usual eating plan the next day without guilt or despair ?
Happy Holidays!
Posted by Lady A at 12:00 PM 2 comments
December 04, 2009
Shopping and Preparing For The Holidays

Posted by Lady A at 6:04 AM 3 comments
November 30, 2009
Certain Things Need To Be Done In Private
Thought you could 'reveal' yourself to your spouse. Did your really think you could take off your wig, weave, lashes, makeup, girdle or whatever else you use to beautify yourself without him saying anything. If this is done, just be prepared to hear him complaining about it through conversation, argument, or the most embarrassing way, to his friend(s) or family.
Wives, please do certain beauty treatments in private. Believe it or not, this will save you later on and your husband will appreciate this (though he may never mention it). Husbands don't always understand the extent we go through for beauty and why. They may not understand why we have to use primer on our faces before we apply makeup, or placing a tight stocking cap on your head before you put your wig on. All they see is you looking like a pale ghost or a potential burglar. You may not want your husband seeing certain things that you do to be beautiful. It probably will freak them out and scar them. Having hair rollers, facial mask, body wraps, using mayo as hair conditioner, do-it-yourself home relaxers, hair color and whatever crazy home beauty treatments you may do, please try and have a set time when it's in your best interest.
Because I wear a lot of weaves and sometimes wigs, I do my hair when my hubby is out of the house. When he comes home, VIOLA! A new woman. He doesn't need to see the process. Or if I want to soak in the bath tub with vinegar (it smells funky, but is the best with body odor), I try and make sure he will be downstairs, basement, or going out with friends. I find it best to do all of my personal girly stuff on Sunday, why....FOOTBALL!!! My husband is glued to the t.v. and will not move off the couch.
Now let's be reasonable. There are several beauty treatments that I do with him around OR beauty treatments that I have him to help me out with. Wives, be your own judge on this. Some husbands may not mind seeing you transform from hot mess to beauty queen. You just have to know.
Again, use your own judgement. No one knows your husband better than you. If you are not sure if your home beauty treatments bother your husband then here are a few clues:
- Funny, dirty, questionable looks on his face
- Asking annoying questions in an irritate voice tone ie, "what's that smell?, what is that?, what is that for? why do you do that?, do you have to do that?, what the heck?"
- Complaining of hair/beauty treatment
- Grunts or rude moans when he sees you in your hair/beauty treatment regimen
- Sarcastic remarks
Wives, just be mindful when doing your hair/beauty treatments. Husbands don't need to know and see everything. Have and keep some mystery to yourself. This also helps the 'chase' of it all. We do want our hubby's to still chase us, so let the games continue!
Yours truly,
Posted by Lady A at 4:07 PM 8 comments
November 20, 2009
Resist Humor At Your Partner's Expense
Posted by Lady A at 3:07 PM 2 comments
November 16, 2009
Divide The Labor

Posted by Lady A at 12:40 PM 2 comments
November 11, 2009
Working Through Your Holiday Expectations

- Thanksgiving:
- Christmas:
- Easter:
3. How will you handle subsequent family holidays?
4. Do you anticipate issues or problems with your parents over your holiday choices? Explain.
5. How important is it to celebrate Christmas with a tree and all the lights, decorations, stockings, etc.?
- Very … … … … … … Moderately … … … … … … Not at all
6. How important is gift giving at Christmas?
- Very … … … … … … Moderately … … … … … … Not at all
7. Do you want to celebrate Christmas with a manger scene and other biblical depictions?
Santa Claus and reindeer?
8. Will you promote Santa Claus (even as pretend time) to your children?
9. What are your views on promoting the Santa Claus story to children?

9. Explain your views about Halloween.
10. Will you let your children dress in costumes and go trick-or-treating? If so, what kind of costumes will you permit?
11. What are your views about a church-sponsored event on Halloween?
Anniversaries and Birthdays:
12. How important is celebrating anniversaries?
- Very … … … … … … Moderately … … … … … … Not at all
How important is gift giving on anniversaries?
- Very … … … … … … Moderately … … … … … … Not at all
How important is celebrating birthdays?
- Very … … … … … … Moderately … … … … … … Not at all
How important is gift giving on birthdays?
- Very … … … … … … Moderately … … … … … … Not at all
13. Explain how you want to celebrate anniversaries.
14. Explain how you want to celebrate birthdays.
15. If you have differences regarding holidays and other special occasions, how are you resolving these differences?
Parting thoughts about anniversaries:
For women, more so than for men, anniversaries are very special occasions full of meaning and importance, and women want their spouses to remember their anniversary without any hints. Women look forward to special treatment on these occasions —flowers, intimate, thoughtful gifts such as jewelry or perfume (not cookware or vacuum cleaners), dinner at a nice restaurant, and other such things.
Women want to know they are deeply loved and esteemed. Anniversaries are a time when the expectation for such affirmation is at its highest. It behooves a husband to know his wife in this matter. These things are so important to women that they are easily wounded by careless neglect and forgetfulness. Moreover, the wounds and pain can stay within them a very, very long time —even years.---http://www.marriagemissions.com/category/marriage-preparation-materials/

Posted by Lady A at 8:07 AM 4 comments
Labels: marriage prepation materials